2023-09-02 - 1:02 p.m.

I've been living here for fifteen years and still, the first Saturday of the month tornado test siren throws me off. Especially since I have the hearing aids now. Good lord.

Back in the day, I would freak out when it came on, it scared the cats. I would run out and gather them as fast as possible and push them in the house. Now days, I just leave the door open and let them make their own choices. I guess this round of cats is like a third born child.

The new job seems to be a perfect fit for right now. They threw me to the wolves last night. I thought I was training...but, nope. Apparently the other bartender called in and they just needed a body. Fortunately I knew the computer system and I totally winged that shift.

My boyfriend was a bartender in that building for something like twenty years. So he told me some horror stories about it, like the actual building. It's old and there are some sewage problems. But it's nothing I haven't dealt with before and I've also become very comfortable with just saying, "um, no, I will not be walking in or cleaning up your sewage problem,".

I am so happy that I am not working doubles. It's been so nice to be home during the day and not working fourteen hour days regularly. I don't care if I work day shift (not my preference) or night. I just can't do doubles ever again unless somebody actually has an emergency. I think we are discussing my schedule tonight and I'm going to be firm on the no doubles.


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