2023-08-26 - 2:30 p.m.

Nancy is still hanging in there. She just sleeps and is absolutely incoherent. I really don't want this to happen to me. So, as soon I can afford stuff, I'm going skydiving and doing reckless, fun stuff in hope that I die doing it.

I looked in the mirror today and the exploded vein in my eye from my divorce is almost gone. It takes years and years to repair. My wisdom to all you all. Just don't fuck up. Make it all work (as long as it isn't abusive or terrible). I should have stayed married to Eric. I wish he would have listened to everything I had to say and asked of him. I DO have a very lovely boyfriend now and I KNOW things are going to be just fine. But, damn, I wish I hadn't had to look at that exploded vein every day for the last six years and that I had just been a pushy woman and made things the way I needed them to be. I give up, a lot. And I think that trend is ending.


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