2001-12-01 - 5:12 a.m.

Wasn't able to go to bed at planned time last night. My Grandmother called at 5:30, wanted to know if I had time for lunch next week, I know she was really just calling for information on the Great Disappearing Z. Of course I had to tell her I didn't know where he was, she found that funny. TOld me to let her know when he reappeared.

Then another phone call from a friend of mine who wanted to rant about his job in social services.

Then a visitor who only wanted to use my bathroom.

I fell asleep at nine. Got up at 4. Didn't get any writing done.

Saw a picture in Jane magazine yesterday while I was on the treadmill. It was a picture of Osama and he was smiling and seemed to be very happy. The caption said something along the lines of this being the only picture the writer had seen of Osama in which his charisma was depicted. The writer stated that this picture scared her more than any other. I tend to agree, he seemed like a very likable person.

Just read this is wonderful. I have written pages about this very thing, maybe later I'll put some of it in here. Anyway........."Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals, dying of nothing."----- Redd Foxx

Off to work now.


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