2024-03-03 - 7:11 p.m.

Things I say, out loud, to myself, during a normal day. It's mostly the word, fuck, where the FUCK is my phone???.

"Ado, fuck off you fucking asshole, fuck off" as I'm stumbling out of bed a 5 am, naked, because I just had my first hot flash of the day and tore my clothes off and that asshole wants to go outside and attacks all the cats he can to get attention to his "peril" just as I'm falling back to sleep. I yell at Ado every day. He's a real pain in the ass. And I love him.

"Where the fuck did I put the avocados?"

"Yes, I'm making your fucking chicken" (to the cats).

"Why the fuck hasn't anybody brought me an egg McMuffin or a donut and coffee?"

"I'll be back in a bit" (to the cats) (I try to be super sweet when I say this but really in my head I'm thinking, I don't want to fucking go).

"What the fuck do I want to fucking eat?"

Obv..."I don't know my fucking password you fucking fucker, fuck off, fuck".

"What the fuck??"


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