2024-01-12 - 2:34 p.m.

I write these diaryland entries faster than any of you. I just spew the words and sign off. Some people I know actually edit their stuff and take time to write. But I a'int got no time for that sort of thing. And I have things to say.

It's currently snowing like a demon. It might be an actual blizzard. All the cats are hunkered down on heating pads, including two NOT MY CATS. One of them is Shadow and he does have a home, he's a barn cat a couple streets over. This has been an issue. I'm probably going to get in a big fight with his "owner" today. I really don't care that he hunkers down here or eats my food...she still has not gotten him neutered even though I've given her lots of options and even offered to drive him to Warren for a low cost neuter (I won't pay for it but I'll drive him). She won't do it. This has been on going for years now. And I'm mad. The second not my cat...I don't know anything about him but he was shivering at the front door this morning and I let him in like the idiot I am.

I'm terrified of these cold flashes I'm having. I turn into an ice block in one second. There is nothing that helps. I have the cold flashes around 4pm and the hot flashes at 5am. I'm trying to be proactive to avoid both but there is nothing to be done. It's very internal. I'm used to being hot, I've ran hot my whole life. But this cold, holy moly, I have no idea how to deal with it. It puts me in a panic.

My little cat Daisy has taken to sleeping on me. She's never done this and I've had her for 15 some years. She's always been a very solitary creature, she has fancy beds and cat towers on which she dwells, by herself. But now she wants to be wherever I am no matter what and it's scaring me. She's never slept in bed with me until recently. Yes, she would come and wake me up when she needed her fancy feast, but she never slept in bed with me. Lately, she's been sleeping right on me and purring hard and loudly. They say that cat purrs are healing to humans for things like blood pressure and all sorts of things. So I feel like she's trying to tell me something. I'm obsessed with my blood pressure, I test it most every day and my glucose and both are always normal. So I just wonder what she's trying to tell me.

I need a job.

One of my friends put up an entry I wrote here about her on his wife's memory wall and I cried for a few hours. I probably will cry a bit more.

The best snow storm of my life was around 1996. We got absolutely slammed. The restaurant I worked at called everybody off and shut down for the day. I had food and cat food and I took a big bath and cozied up and wanted to just stay in bed and watch TV but the satellite went out. So my only option was to watch Titanic on VHS. I don't know why I was so against watching that movie. But I was aghast that someone had given it to me as Christmas present. And I did watch it that night with a big bowl of popcorn and a bunch of kitties. I'm not going to say it was the best movie ever. But that whole night was fantastic. I tend to like when things shut down.


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