2024-01-27 - 5:09 p.m.

I need a vacation from my disaster "vacation". I've been sleeping and spending endless hours on the phone with people who don't speak my language, trying to get myself situated. And it takes too many hours that I should be spending finding a job. I'm not joking now when I say that I might (euphorically) jump off a roof. And I have A LOT of people helping me. I'm devastated for those who don't have the support I do. I swear that when I get through this, I'm going to help.

It appears that I start two jobs this coming week. So I'm in panic mode, trying to pull my crisis together and just make sure the cats and my family and Chris are ok. So far, I've failed. The cats are ok but they are on budget food and they scoff. Daisy never leaves the house and she scoffed at me when I presented nine lives and ran out the cat door and pouted at the bare patch where her cat nip was. I may or may not (I did) sobbed for a bit about that. I didn't get to see my mom this week because I have to be ready for full time again and I'm still looking for another job because I don't think either of these jobs are going to pay much.

And, that antidepressant I started to ease my menopause? My doctor said not to do it and I should I have listened to her. That's all I'm going to say about that right now, but I have a lot to say.


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