2023-09-12 - 12:57 p.m.

The doubles were definitely killing me. And for naught. I'm barely making any money at my new job. But at least I'm getting sleep and not spending thirteen hours a day in a state of absolute annoyance. This new job isn't going to be my forever. But it will suffice for right now while I'm looking for something else. There are some issues...the kitchen is slow and we don't have food runners and the kitchen is downstairs so I have to run down there all the time to see if the food for my bar is up. It wastes a lot of time. And the place is being renovated and the intention is for half of it to be a sports bar/arcade. And I fucking hate sports. So I made it known that I would like to stay in the Mexican restaurant side. I have enough tvs to deal with over there. Today they are installing something like $20,000 in tvs on the other side and I'm a big, fat nope on that shit. Nope.

Anyway. The problem with me staying on the Mexican restaurant side? Well. The big restaurant right across from us that used to be a craft beer and farm to table restaurant...sold out. And guess what they are going to be? A fancy Mexican restaurant. In this little town where we haven't had a Mexican restaurant the entire fifteen years I've been here. So, the restaurant I work at is already struggling. I know it had potential. But this new restaurant is going to kill whatever potential we had. I don't have time or money to plod through this crap. So I'm back on the job search tomorrow.

In other news. Yesterday a customer was just staring at me, he had a full drink and a plate of food in front of him and I had already did my obligate check in within two minutes. But he was looking at me with absolute intensity so I went over there. And he told me that he was sorry he was looking at me so much. But that he couldn't help himself because I was the most intriguing looking woman he had ever seen and that I look like I belong in the 20's with a flapper dress. (He was not hitting on me, he talked at length about his wife and kids and how happy they all were, he just really thought I was an "intriguing creature". )(His words.)

My mother took me to a past life regressionist when I was a teenager. I don't get into all that stuff. But that woman shook me. Every single thing she said hit my soul hard. I still don't believe any of it. But she knew things from my dreams which spooked me. She told me that I was a seamstress in the 20's and got shot coming out of a theater. And that had been a reoccurring nightmare for me most of my life. Even before she told me that. I really don't believe in psychic stuff. (I think it's a rebellion against my mom.)But, I'm starting to think they all might know what they are talking about. When that man said I looked like I was from the 20's, it felt right. And I just said, "I think I am." And shrugged my shoulders and threw my hands up a little.


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