2023-08-21 - 12:58 p.m.

I have recently become obsessed with eating white bread and butter with every meal, it was my favorite part of every meal when I was a kid. Just plain white bread with (vegan) butter. It startles me that I've digressed to this. I've also started eating ice burg lettuce. When I was a kid, I used to eat a head of ice burg just right out of the fridge like an apple. Nothing on it. I haven't digressed so far yet that I'm doing that, but I feel like it's coming. I'm at least chopping this stuff up and putting some sort of dressing and accoutrements on it. But, yeah, I'm an iceburg girl now. So long spring greens and baby spinach. I think it's a comfort thing. I've been uncomfortable. This stupid food things has been kind of placing me.

Life is weird right now. I still don't have a job and the main reason is because I don't want to work in a fucking restaurant anymore so I'm not really that motivated, except I have to be because I'm almost out of money. And I really don't know how to get a different type of job. I really just want to get an easy restaurant job or go back to DJB (because I'm comfortable there). The good news about all of this is that my brain in calming down since I stopped all those doubles. I've been dreaming, a lot, and that is reparative. That was a bad job. I think I would have ended up killing myself had I stayed. I have a lot to say about that place.

Anyway. Kitties are fine. They aren't living off white bread and ice burg..


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