2023-08-07 - 12:13 p.m.

I quit my job a week ago. I knew it was untenable and I was fucking tired. I made sure they had all the stock they needed for the night and then I grabbed my purse and stormed out. Fuckers. I've basically just been in the garden, job searching and sleeping since then. I can have my job back. But I don't want it. The head bartender had it out for me and she made my life miserable. And those fucking doubles. No. I don't want to work in restaurants any longer. So I'm looking for an easy job while I figure out what the f I'm doing. Ideally, I'd like my old old job back but they don't have openings. So I have to suck it up and go find myself an easy job.

Also, I've been bleeding, badly,for the last three weeks. It's probably time to go to the doctor but whenever this happens they tell me I need to go back on the pill. And I don't wanna. I'm a fifty year old woman and I really just want this menopause to play out naturally but I'm starting to get really frustrated. I have to wash a lot of bedding all the time and change my clothes at least twice at night and...stop reading if you don't want TMI beyond what I already just told you...tampons appear to be in very short supply. I don't know what is going on. I've been scouring stores and it's just pads. And expensive organic tampons that don't work. I smell of blood. It's permeating and it almost made me throw up today.

Cats are fine. I wish someone would send me cat food as I'm unemployed and gosh they are expensive. But, we'll make it.

Other than all that drama, I have a very nice boyfriend and he has been a crutch when I needed it. And he, shockingly, even though I'm a disaster person, appears to adore me. And I really needed that.


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