2023-07-20 - 1:03 p.m.

I'm not super happy with my job. There are lots of things happening and not happening. I'm trying to be very patient and just wait this shit out. But, fuck.

Anyway. I have to peel a bunch of oranges everyday to have peels for old fashioned. I normally cut the oranges after I've peeled them and give them to employees. It's definitely an extra on my part. Yesterday I was so mad at every single person in that restaurant that I shoved all twelve peeled oranges into my work bag and brought them home. "Fuck those fuckers" were my exact words. My intention was to make juice. When I worked at that grocery store we had a guy whose only job was to juice oranges. He would bring me little cups all day and I missed having that. So I was going to juice these oranges and leave my coworkers depleted of their vitamin c fix. Well, my twelve oranges turned into a paltry half cup of juice and now I'm a bit furious again. Fuck these fuckers.

I have a massage today and then I'm going to my old place of employment for an event. Sharon's brother in law would show up from Scotland every summer and put on a show (talented musician) and it would be a thing. But people got out of control and then covid and he hasn't had a show in five years. I'm excited for the comfort of that routine and to see my people. Hopefully the people maintain themselves tonight and I don't have to drive everyone home like in previous years.

That's all. Oh, wait.I'm just going to complain about work a little more.

Last week I was distressed because we didn't have a schedule yet on Monday for the week and Emily told me, "girl, don't worry about it, you have a set schedule now". So, I went into this week thinking, ok, double Tuesday Friday Saturday and 9-5 Sunday. I happened to look at our scheduling app on Tuesday after a grueling shit fuck of a day and saw that I was scheduled for a double in just hours. And I was scheduled with a woman I absolutely can't stand. So, yeah, fuck this shit. I'm going to go get a massage, get through this week and hopefully reevaluate this nonsense and be happy.


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