2023-07-17 - 2:55 p.m.

I have a lot to say about my job. But I'm going to leave this entry at this. I have a day off today. I worked a billion doubles and a Sunday 9-5 and I'm exhausted. I need to get shit done today so I can be ready for my doubles this week. I had a comprehensive list of shit I needed to do today and I got all motivated and was ready to go get it over with and I threw a dress on over my pajamas and went out to get it all done as fast as possible.

Sigh. Good lord.

I managed to get gas in my car.

Then I went to Kroger for shit to make my work smoothies with and general nutrition and snacks and I was in the chip aisle and, apparently, my pajama shorts are too big for me and they fell off me in the fucking chip aisle. In front of five people. I'm a debacle. So I only did two of the eight tasks I had on my list and I came home and I'm just going to listen to really loud music and cook stuff I won't eat for the rest of the day.


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