2023-04-24 - 3:28 p.m.

I move fast. You wouldn't know that by my display yesterday when I got home from work and fell asleep on the couch with a piece of pizza in my hand and then went to my actual bed a few hours later, still in my work clothes, and went to sleep for another bunch of hours. I did wake up, watched some TV, read a magazine, did some puzzles, half tended to the cats and chased a raccoon out. But I basically slept for twelve uncomfortable and very fitful twelve hours. My spine, though dramatically better, is still broken...and I fucked up my foot...and general old lady shit ensues. Anyway, I never changed out of my work clothes until an hour ago. I really like this job. But I'm not good with these doubles or serving shifts. I'm hoping this is the week I tell them that the scheduling needs to change.

Anyway, I move fast. I had a serving shift yesterday because the bartender who is supposed to be retiring from his Sunday bartending and it's supposed to be mine, still hasn't let go. And I had put in the fancy scheduling app thing we have that I was available on Sunday because I want that shift. So I was scheduled as a server, and I'm just not going to do it anymore. I'm a bartender. I'm not good at being a server because I have no patience for people who complain about having too much ice in their iced tea and I just can't bring myself to accommodate them and be nice. I should, I should make this a game and just be superfluous with my accommodations...but I've pretty much had it with people and I definitely think we all need to be retrained to be in society. And I move fast and I don't have time to stand around listening to someone tell me that there is a little too much spice in the shrimp and grits. I understand. It's a necessary position, the servers. People need someone to complain to about spice and ice levels. But I'm not that person. Keep me behind the bar where I can be snarky and fast.

In other news. It's all kick ass. And I'm going to make lemon cake and miso soup and go to sleep before I have to work my next stupid double tomorrow.


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