2023-03-01 - 8:43 a.m.

I wasn't thrilled with the addition of Tuesday into my work schedule. I have to keep remembering that I've only been at this job since October and I'm already getting most everything I want. But, damn, I don't want Tuesday. It's boring, I have to get up very early and then work an eleven hour shift of pure boredom. But I walk out with over $400. So? Also, with the addition of Tuesday, I don't have two consecutive days off and that's probably just not going to work. I could request to not work Thursdays so I would have Wednesday and Thursday off but I really like my Thursday. It's a night serving shift and I work for maybe five hours and walk with at least, bare minimum, $150. I have also recently acquired the coveted Sunday brunch bartender spot. Although that requires to me to wake at an absurd hour, I am THRILLED to get this spot and I need to talk about the damn brunch shift and how much I love it even though it's basically everything I hate in this world. Anyway, I want my schedule to be Thursday-Sunday. Friday and Saturday are doubles so I'm definitely getting my hours in. But I don't want Tuesday. I'm going to give it another month and see how it goes but I really don't like it. I don't have Tuesday next week because I'll be with my Mama in Kalamazoo for her third chemo treatment. She's kicking ass over there. And I sure wish I had chosen to move back to Kalamazoo when I got divorced.

My little car, Edwin, had to have a $700 repair the other day so that I can get back and forth to Kalamazoo safely. I guess there won't be any more cat towers coming into the house any time soon. Unless I keep that stupid Tuesday.

My house is a disaster right now. Getting used to my new schedule has been difficult and, also, I'm barely home anymore. But I have the day off today and I'm getting used to getting up early now so my plan was to get up at seven and start cleaning. But it's 8:30 now and I'm still tucked in my bed with my heating blanket and coffee and I might go back to sleep for a bit.


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