2014-05-19 - 11:27 p.m.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

Crazy cat lady world is DEFINITELY crazy these days. I've been to the vet so many times, so very many times, in the past few's insane. In addition to the normal vet visits for shots and the twice a year check ups for my elderly friends, we've had a virus go through here. Which is not anything new. We usually get a virus through here at this time of the year. But this virus was really a bad one. A virus in a crazy cat lady household is a pain in the ass. I already spend my days off work cleaning. And my work days also include a fair amount of cat related chores. When there is a virus everything I normally do on Monday (wash bedding, wash and sanitize all the dry food and water dishes, bleach the floors and wash all rugs) needs to be done daily. I also have to add lysine to all food and keep an obsessive eye on behavior. So I've been busy with all that. Very busy. Last week when all this had just started to erupt I was busy, busy cleaning and Toby started howling when he walked up the stairs. So I rushed him to the vet because he seemed like he was in serious pain. Four hours later we are back home, my cleaning day completely shot, and they had found nothing at all to be wrong with him. Nothing. He was fine the next day. So I lost a day of cleaning and I was pretty stressed already and then I had to go to work and Thursday and Friday night I came home furious (domestic issues) and didn't sleep AT ALL, AGAIN. And Saturday I woke up feeling like shit (for lots of reasons) and I decided that it was a new day! Get up! Be happy! And I got my tea started and then walked into the living room and found my Sparkles sneezing violently and blood spraying all over the place. So off I rushed to the vet again. Three hours later we are back home and he is fine. Fortunately it was just a broken capillary from sneezing so hard.He's on antibiotics now and seems to be just fine. Then I had to go to work and I was VERY frazzled and the work night ended and I got home and was furious again (domestic issues). Sunday turned out fine. We got some things done. I felt pretty good because I knew I had Monday and Tuesday to get all the shit done that I needed to get done and I had it all planned out. I slept in a bit this morning, planning to get up and get right to it all. I woke up, made tea, started a load of wash, took another load of wash out to the line, fed the cats, gave insulin shots, gave morning pills to those who get them, made a grocery list and then went to say good morning to Rudy and to spend some time with him. And when I got into the room I found that he hadn't gone to the bathroom. At all. Which meant that he hadn't gone to the bathroom in 24 hours. So I called the vet. Rudy is a special case because he is still so very feral. And because he has leukemia. I'm supposed to keep him as calm and happy and comfortable as possible. Taking him to the vet is way too much stress for him but if I have to, I have to. And they thought his not going to the bathroom for 24 hours was reason to bring him in. Immediately. So off to the vet again. Four hours later we are back home. He had a fever of 106. He's been given antibiotics and pain killers and a mild steroid and fluids. He is feeling much better. He went to the bathroom shortly after we got home. So whew. Something I found out while we were at the vet is that he has been shot in the face. SHOT IN THE FACE. He has two pellets stuck in his cheek. We discovered it a couple weeks ago when we were finally able to pet him. Neither of us knew what it was, I thought it was a wart or something and Eric thought it was a tumor. So when my vet told me the lumps were pellets I started crying. I hate people so much. I hate sitting here right now knowing that somebody in this vicinity is such a horrible person that they shot a feral cat in the face. SHOT IN THE FACE.


I'm a disaster right now. This cat stuff is just one little facet. Really, the cat stuff I am OK about. I know that I cannot always have this many cats. It's not sustainable. I can't always spend every minute of every day tending to cats. But for now, this is what I do. I feel very fortunate that for this little chunk of my life I get to care for this many beings. And I'm good at it. I can feel shitty about myself for a lot of reasons. I can feel like I never have any ambition or drive but then I realize that I actually do, it's just not normal ambition or drive. I have two things in my life that I am absolutely driven for. Food and my cats. I am very dedicated when it comes to those two things.

I am still (mostly) a vegan. I've had two days where I actively cheated and a couple days where I cheated just a little. But, out of seventy plus days, I've only faltered five of those days (and three of those times were barely anything but a nibble of a new cheese at work or adding a pat of butter to a dish that really needed it). That's really good. I am loving my new diet. I feel very good. (well, except for the stress)

So that is all. I really have other things to write about but I just needed to get all this out for my own future reference.


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