2024-02-26 - 8:24 p.m.

I blame my parents for my restaurant career. They failed. I begged and begged to be sent to boarding school and they didn't and could have and should have. Instead, I stayed in small town Michigan.

I caused a plumbing disaster at our small town pizzeria by flushing the salad my parents forced us to get with every meal. I would surreptitiously dump the uneaten salad in a napkin in my lap and then quietly go to the bathroom and flush it. I totally fucked up their pipes.I was also charging a bunch of after school meals on my Dad's tab without permission. So I had to start working at that restaurant to pay off my debts.

Ironically, basically all I eat, forty some years later, is salad.

I did work it off. And I retired around the age of sixteen. Then, my mother refused to pay for the hair care stuff she should have paid for since she didn't pay attention to the amount of rust in our water and all I wanted was to not have orange hair. So I went back to work at the pizza place to pay for it. And I've been in the industry since then.

And I fucking hate it.


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