2024-01-07 - 5:54 p.m.

I've been begging for a hysterectomy since my mid twenties. I've had very bad periods my entire grown woman life (well, and other bad periods before that but those are other stories). I hate bleeding and the cramp pain is excruciating. According to the world, that's not enough reason to become a non viable birth giver and I have always been denied. So I gotta suffer. I did want kids. But I wanted to adopt. So there was no reason for my prolonged period of period. I'm pretty angry about it right now. (And I'm in perimenopause so I'm more crazy than my normal crazy).

Anyway. It's been a few months since I had a period and I was getting hopeful that this was it. It's a year of no period before you're considered to be in menopause. I've been an absolute train wreck during this whole fiasco (more so than normal). I can't think of anything, it takes me forever to even think of a word like Blistex. So bring it menopause. Let's get this done with. Please. Please. Please. Let me gather my brain and parts for this next chapter of life. Please. I've been pleading.

But, I started my period this morning. Which means I'm still in this horrible thing. I want this all out of me. I have an appointment on the 16th for my annual and I'm bringing the law of the perimenopausal crazy person down. I'm getting this stuff ripped out of me asap.


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