2023-05-29 - 5:49 p.m.

My little cat, Charles Beaker Le Dickens, gets these terrible mats every winter. It happens overnight. I took him to a groomer a couple times and it was very traumatic. He's a fragile fellow. I bought professional clippers so I could tend to it myself but he still gets really stressed. So I just don't. It's hard enough to just trim his toenails without freaking him out. And he's fifteen now, so I don't want to stress him out at all. The last couple years, I just let him live with mats. I try my best to prevent them but they really do just show up overnight. And he hates to be brushed. Anyway, right around this time of the year, I'm able to start pulling the mats off because his summer hair is growing underneath them. And it's such a purging, cleansing feeling for me when I get the last one off. Which just happened. I gave him a big plate of fancy tuna and a pile of cat nip after I got the last one. And he washed his newly revealed skin and stretched a lot...and, gosh, I hope that's what's on the agenda for all of us this summer.


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