2023-02-16 - 12:19 a.m.

So today at work I went in the back to our employee break spot to shove food in my face. It's a very dismal spot in a corner by the back door with a shitty tiny little table meant to house personal belongings and food for at least 20 employees a night. It's quite ridiculous and, frankly, demeaning. There aren't any chairs at the tiny table so I took it upon myself to add a couple upside down milk crates so that, maybe, when I have all my customers situated for a second and I want to go eat some almonds I usually keep stashed in my purse that I have to dig out from the pile of other purses and other assorted items people deem necessary for a night of work, I can at least sit down and blankly shove almonds into my mouth for a minute or so before I have to get back out there. Anyway. I didn't eat much yesterday or today and I started to get a little woozy and lightheaded. I can't eat much at the restaurant I work at, it's very meat-centric. And I hadn't packed my emergency almonds or any other snacks and I didn't want to order another pizza I wouldn't I grabbed a small dish of free french fries and sat on my milk crate to eat them. I was staring blankly at my phone and dropped a ketchup sloshed fry on the very well tread floor in the communal, dismal corner. I kind of said to hell with it, I'm not picking that up and continued eating and staring and then got up a minute later and decided to pick the French fry up from the floor because I'm a responsible and kind human. I was mindlessly walking my dish to the dish tank, thinking about nothing in the last fleeting seconds before I had to get back on the floor and tend to waters that were slightly empty and surely getting a request from table 20 for yet another ranch dressing (and should I just take it with me when I go out there or is that just offensive?) I mindlessly walk the maybe 12 feet away from our dismal spot to the dish tank to deposit my little dish with a dirty French fry in it and, out of habit, I shoved the French fry into my mouth before relinquishing my dish. It's what we do, we shove last morsels in our mouths because we're desperate. It's just usually not food that's been on a dirty floor for at least a minute. I stood there for a second, after I realized what I had done, with a horrified look on my face and one of my coworkers walked by and asked if I was ok. And I told him what I had done and he became as aghast as I was...

I'm home now. I might have the day off tomorrow but I don't know. Man. If someone offers up their shift tomorrow night, I'm going to have to fight myself to not it pick it up. I've been working really long doubles back to back for so long now that these 4 hour shifts where I walk out with $150 seem like absolutely nothing and why wouldn't I work them even if I end up eating dirty french fries?


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