2023-01-17 - 2:17 p.m.

I have a lot to report. But it's day 9 billion and 17 of absolute drear in Michigan and I can barely muster enough energy to take a vitamin d pill and pour cream in my coffee. So I'll just leave this report at this. I had a $24 bowl of pasta last night and I'm in a fury about it. I mean, I'm probably in a fury about other stuff but I'm going to let the pasta take the brunt of this fury.

I used to frequent this restaurant and its sister restaurant a couple times a month when I was "rich" and married and we had date nights. I started to get a little upset with both places because they didn't have a vegetarian option so I would modify the items on their menu by omitting the meat. Like, I'll have the scallop special without the scallops, I'll have the salmon without the salmon...that sort of thing. But they never modified the price. I stopped going to the restaurant I went to last night when I ordered the steak salad without the steak and they still charged me $36 for a plate of lettuce with some dressing and other frugal accoutrements like croutons and a light dusting of cheese. I protested the price that time and they said they couldn't do anything about it. So we stopped going. At the sister restaurant, it was the same sort of thing. I could get a Greek salad for $18 but it had chicken. And they wouldn't take money off to just have a Greek salad. So I started getting the chicken on the side in a to box and I would bring it home to the cats. Anyway. The whole thing was ridiculous. Last night I went to dinner at the steak salad place and, it's been ten years or so since I had my steak salad meltdown so I thought maybe they had made some changes. But, no. There were still really expensive salads all with meat. So my only option was pasta. Which I usually refrain from ordering out because I make pasta almost daily and it's almost always phenomenal and cheap. When I get home from work and am starving, I make pasta. In ten minutes I can have a masterpiece made while still wearing my coat and my purse still slung over my shoulder while doling out cat food and washing my face and blah blah blah. But I was optimistic about the pasta last night. It's a high end restaurant and I have been blown away by a few pasta dishes in the past(not from there). But what arrived in front of me for $24 was 14 gnocchi with the most pedestrian basil cream sauce I've ever tasted and 6 very slim slices of red pepper. I ate 5 of the gnocchi and brought the rest of the travesty home to fiddle with and see if I can make it into a $24 dish. Which, I suppose is fitting. I am trying to make everything I currently have, work.


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