2019-10-03 - 12:52 a.m.

I had to have Fluffy put to sleep today. My plan had been to clean and make the house super comfortable and then go to work and then cover my Thursday shift and spend a quiet day with him and then cover my Friday shift and have a vet come to the house for home euthanasia. But last night when I got home from work I put some salmon in front of him, his favorite food, and he sniffed it and immediately threw up nothing but foam. Then he slept under the couch most of the night. Around 11 I picked him up and brought him to the bed and he sat with me for a while but then he tried to get off the bed and I realized he had no use of his legs. And he was crying. So I called the vet. It was a traumatic experience as all euthanasias are. He didn't even survive the sedative part of the process which means he was really far gone. It's all just so awful. He was such a good boy. When I first got him I didn't think I was going to bond with him but he turned out to be one of my best friends.

It's a weird feeling when you lose someone. And add to that that this is the first time in 13 or 14 years that I haven't had to give medicine to someone or worry about someone else giving medicine to someone. I started getting all twitchy a couple hours ago and I figured out that it was because I'm wired to give medicine every twelve hours. So. This will be something. I'm eating cheese again (just for this week) and I don't have to give medicine.


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