2006-08-08 - 12:37 p.m.

August in Spain sucks. For whatever reason everyone in Europe decides to come here to sit on the sweltering, melting beaches with thousands of other people. Grocery stores are packed at every moment of the day, roads are congested, the airport is a total zoo, lines lines lines everywhere. I remember last year writing a note in August telling myself to get everything I need for the month of August in July and then not leave the house in August. Tourist season SUCKS. And why everyone in Europe takes the exact same time off for vacation�????...Anyway. My plan to stay in for the entirety of August won�t work. I have vet appointments and husbands to retrieve from airports, vegetables to get and you know, life.

The good things about August in Spain. I can take pictures and not feel annoying and conspicuous because EVERYONE is taking pictures right now. Also, because it is tourist season here in Sitges, the moment someone (cashiers, waiters, whoever) hears your voice and determines that you are not Spanish they immediately switch to English. This doesn�t happen in the off season. In the off season no one speaks English even if they do. I mean, they will of they can or have to, but they (rightly) seem more reluctant to offer that up in the off season. I enjoy the month of the year where I can pretend that I am a tourist and not feel all the time that I am a total asshole because my Spanish still sucks and I have done nothing in the last year to rectify that.

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Eric left this morning for his �Man Trip�. He is meeting his best friend in Paris this afternoon to begin the first leg. They are spending a couple days in Paris, taking a train to Amsterdam, flying to Goteburg, Sweden and then back to Amsterdam and then flying here for a week. Then Mike heads back to Michigan to resume life. Probably with lung disease and a wilted liver�but return he will. Eric is incredibly excited about this trip and has been planning it for a really long time. Why am I not going with them? First, it�s AUGUST and there is no way in hell I am traveling in August on this continent (see above) and second, I just didn�t want to. Why did Eric chose August to take this trip? Because everything in Europe shuts down in August for vacation, including the plant where he works.

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Squishy Cat is doing well after having most of his teeth taken out. In fact, since his return home he seems more and more like the old Squishy Cat. Which is fantastic because I thought I had lost my old Squishy Cat forever. At first I thought it was just because he was still dosed with pain medicine but this is day 4 and he is still purring and being incredibly squishy. This whole thing went much better than I had anticipated. I had anticipated a few weeks, maybe even a few months of recovery. I was prepared to play nurse. I bought baby food and thought about things like buying a mini food mill so I could grind up all his food�the day he got home, which was the same day as the surgery, I was ready to sit by him all night long but he was up and about (swaying all over the place and on several occasions falling over from the pain meds and anesthesia)and smelling the yard and running upstairs to his food dish and eating bowls and bowls of food. The next day he ate and ate again and then I could tell that his mouth was starting to hurt so later in the day I made him potatoes with bacon fat (he loves potatoes) and other soft foods, none of which he would eat so I immediately thought he was dying and that I had made a terrible mistake�he was still staring at his bowl so I thought, eh�what the hell, try some cat food again and�he ate and ate and ate and ate. And he is still eating and eating and eating today. As long as those mouth sores don�t come back I might just have a fully healthy Squishy Cat again which would be the first time in one year.

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Last night we went to a restaurant we hadn�t been to yet. It was lovely lovely. We just had appetizers and a couple drinks. One of the appetizers we tried was tempura battered asparagus with VANILLA MAYONAISE. Sounds weird? It was weird. And good.

Last week we went to another restaurant we hadn�t been to yet and my husband was molested by the lot of gay English men that run the place. Last night when we walked by the place the waiter blew a kiss to Eric. Sitges is funny.

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That is all.


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