2003-05-13 - 8:32 p.m.

Right now I am on line. And I have been on line for the past few hours. Not because I am looking at anything on line, or even need to be on line. I just wanted to be away. Because I have had enough people for the day, week, year, lifetime and the only way I could do anything to make some sort of �stay the hell away from me, leave me alone, don�t talk to me� statement was to go on line so at least no one could call me. (I signed on line AFTER I had talked to my darling love by the way, him I would talk to all day, all night, forever) Now I just have to figure out how to get rid of the other people littering my life with noise. I don�t care if you are just sitting on my couch or walking by my house on the sidewalk�.right now that is too much unwanted noise for me. I do not want to hear a thing except for my own breath and my cats various sounds of life.

It�s sad when people push you to limits.


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