2023-02-22 - 2:51 p.m.

Uhhhhhhhhh, oh my fucking god, I CAN HEAR! This is absolutely surreal. I'm calling everybody I love (except one because he won't let me) so I can hear voices. This is going to be very strange. It's been thirteen months. I had to learn to deal with hearing loss and now I have to learn to hear again. I have a head tilt, for example, because I heard better from my left (in my language, driver's side) ear. I don't have to do that anymore! And I don't have to stare so intently at people anymore to read lips. Though, I might keep that up. I'm definitely a changed person from all of this. Anyway, I can hear and although I was using this as an excuse to get a much needed haircut (I've only been to a salon once since 2020 otherwise it's just been me with my $4.00 box of hair dye and dull scissors tending to my hair) I don't think I need to go get a fancy do. These things are barely noticeable. Maybe if you're standing behind me you could see evidence I told my audiologist, and made her crack up, if you're standing behind me you aren't looking at my ears. I'm a fucking comedian. Anyway, my fancy new aids are all Bluetooth connected and I have to learn how to control all that but I'm kind of excited about the prospect of just being able to have people on the phone in my ear all day long while I'm at work. There is currently a pretty intense ice storm occurring in my neck of the woods. I have my provisions and got a giant chewy order delivered this morning and I don't have to work tonight and I can hear. So I'm just going to listen to the last 13 months of The Moth and This American Life and relearn the sounds of my house. This is absolutely fucking amazing.

In other news, I went to the tanning bed this morning. It feels like I am addicted but really this is only the fifth time I've been there in the five months I've been going there. People have been remarking on my tan, though. I paid extra for the bronzer bed. And apparently it works. Anyway, it's very entertaining to go to that tanning bed. Today I walked in and the guy who wanders around talking to himself outside the doors to the tanning rooms was signing me in and I remarked on the pile of fruit he had on a plate in front of him. Which then led to him talking to me for about ten minutes about his diet and how he's trying to be very healthy for his future grandchildren and that requires lots of fruit and chicken and beef. That tanning bed is one of the weirdest places I've ever gone to.


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