2023-02-20 - 3:15 p.m.

Eleven and a half years ago I met my friend, boss, Sharon. She loved me as an employee but our friendship styles didn't exactly click. We like a lot of the same things and think the same things but I can be a bit verbose and needy in my dialogue with people I love. I'll text, email or call you all day long if you let me. Most people don't let me. She is one of them. So I started a notebook years ago labeled, "texts I don't send Sharon". And it was hilarious. But when the incident went down and she fired me instead of helping me, I burned that notebook with absolutely no remorse. The eleven years of things I wanted to say to her are emblazoned in my memory and actually blazed but there is no longer any tangible evidence of it.

Recently, somebody else that I love has requested that I stop contacting him for a bit. I'm heartbroken but also hopeful that this all ends up where it's supposed to end up. In the meantime, I have started a notebook for him labeled, "Things I want to tell E.". I won't burn this one no matter what happens.


Anyway. I have the day off. I'm pretty exhausted and I have a pretty heavy work week ahead of me so I'm just trying to get as much done as I can in sloth mode so as to not exhaust myself further. My garbage disposal is broken and I'm trying to fix it myself. Which is a good distraction from the billion other things I need to tend to.

Cats are fine. I'm finally getting back to a financially stable existence so I celebrated by buying them a new cat tower. The really weird thing right now is that cat food costs are sky rocketing along with everything else. But, for some reason, cat towers are way less expensive than they were a couple years ago. I have six in the house. I might be replacing all of them in the next couple months.


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