2022-08-06 - 10:56 a.m.

It's going to be hot and humid today. So I dragged myself out of bed early and got my little pool set up and filling with ice cold well water. I'm going to float, read, sleep and eat all day. I haven't had a pool day in a bit, so I'm excited.

I have the next few days off, except for going in to do a beer order and paperwork stuff at some point . I'm not exactly sure what to do with myself. I have a LOT to do at home, but I just don't want to. And I can't really drive to Kalamazoo because it's going to be too hot and my car a/c isn't working and four hours in a hot car isn't appealing to me, though I would love to have fried pickles with my brother and have a five hour conversation with my mother and track down my friend, Jon, who isn't speaking to me right now and it's driving me absolutely crazy. So I guess maybe I'll just float and read and sleep and eat for the next few days. Maybe I'll do my nails. And probably annoy the hell out of my love with a bunch of texts and calls. Poor man. I also woke this morning thinking, hey maybe today you can start working out again, I'm skinny-ish, I don't need to lose weight, maybe ten pounds here and there, but I definitely notice muscle mass depleted, and that's not good for an aging body. I don't want to ever, ever be frail. So maybe I'll break out my Tae bo today. But it will probably be too hot and humid and I'll end up just sitting on the floor listening to Billy Blanks trying to motivate me to move.

Kitties are good. They are all just basically sleeping through the heat. Around sunset they all congregate in the driveway and hang out. I don't know why they do that. I have notes to all delivery people to watch out for the pack of cats in the driveway.


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