2016-07-16 - 10:44 p.m.

My cat has been missing for about five weeks. The first week was just pins and needles waiting for him to come back....because he's been pulling these disappearing acts and then he shows up out of no where a few days later. Around the second week of his disappearance, signs were hung and daily vigils of walking around and around and around calling, "Ernie? Ernest? Nessie????" commenced. Fourth of July weekend I got two calls from people telling me they had seen him rather recently. One of the people who called was his former "owner". He said, "that there is my old barn cat, Curly Cowboy! He hasn't been very frequent around here the last few years w(which is whenhen he moved in here) but he does visit me every couple weeks, I knew he was in a good home because he's fat and good looking!". But after that call, it all dried up, I didn't hear another word. I have been driving around every night after work looking for him. Up and down all the streets around here. In the afternoon I walk the route, calling for him. On all my walks, drives, I would go by the one spot and I just knew it was where he was. And sure enough, tonight on my drive, I caught a quick glimpse of movement exactly where I thought he would be. I left my car running, the door wide open in the middle of the road and I bolted across the yard and into the the field where I saw him. I was calling his name and he stopped and started meowing. So I slowed down and crawled over to him slowly because he was a little freaked out....and I got him!!!!!!!! OMG!! I got him!!! Holy shit!!! I got him!!


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