2006-11-14 - 11:56 a.m.

This morning I woke up and jumped out of bed as though I were late in waking. I was all agitated, much as one is when they have slept through an alarm and don't have as much time as they need to get ready. I quickly fed the cats and rushed downstairs to turn the coffee maker on. And then, I went to the couch and fell asleep for another hour.

Because really, I had no reason to get out of bed in the first place. Except of course to feed the cats.

Last night I watched, "My Name is Earl" for the first time. I've been wanting to watch it since it first aired but I never did because I think that I was either just moving to Spain or I had just torn my house completely apart and didn't have a TV anymore. (I can't remember much from that part of life...I can't even remember whether or not I had a TV during that last year?) Anyway...I enjoyed it. I enjoy far too many FOX Tv shows. I really like "House*" as well. *I have no idea if this is what it is called in English...but whatever...that is what it is called here.

I am writing this entry in order to delay going to the gym. I don't know what is wrong with me. I love the gym and I just don't know why it is so difficult to motivate myself to go. It is honestly my favorite part of the day when I actually drag myself there.

Also on the agenda today...moving the dryer from the laundry room to one of the bedrooms upstairs. For two reasons. 1. we had to have an electrician come here last week because the entire laundry room lost power. Turns out the laundry room wiring cannot support everything that is in there. So we can't use the washer and dryer at the same time on that line. So a move is in order. Which is okay because I was already considering moving the dryer in here for the winter. The laundry room isn't attached to our house. It is, in fact, a laundry shed. Having a dryer in the house is nice for various reasons...1. heat, which we can always use more of in this very drafty house. 2. laundry smell, which we can always use more of in this six cats, woman cooks a lot of onions, old and dusty, dirty workout clothes galore house. And 3. WARM TOWELS AND ROBES WHEN YOU GET OUT OF THE BATH/SHOWER!! YEAH! So, we will see how capable I am of moving this dryer upstairs. By myself. It might not happen.

That is all.


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